Medical Specifications: Height, Weight, General Physical and Mental Record.
Height: 1.90m
Weight: 85kg
Physical Record: Healthy. Several unknown chemical residues are found in his brain. Signs of self-augmentation are present, but approaching from a different perspective. The leftover chemical would seem to be custom made and utilized several times.
Mental Record: Healthy. Has no official mental problems. His aptitude tests were passed with an above average proficiency, denoting expertise in his area of work and a functional healthy mind.
Origin Planet Cambridge, Kingdom of Bretonia
Previous Jobs, affiliations or past experiences? What can you bring to us? Records specify that he operated within the LSF in the R&D Division for 5 years. Sources portray him as an engineering genius with abundant data from a variety of domains. He had a series of interesting accomplishments during his student years over the Manhattan Academy of Science, one being the opportunity to have his PhD at a young age.
More info states that after abruptly and violently ending his relationship with Liberty, he went to the Edge Worlds, mostly living in that region of space. Despite his talents and high praise from the Liberty official due to the 5 years of work in the system, the accusations are strange and odd for a simple “information miner”. The highly hypothesis is that he unveiled government secrets and had to pay the price for it.
A direct upload of his found profile document will be uploaded in the lower section of this form, for more details.
Which position would you be more comfortable filling? (Logistics/Paramilitary/Research & Development/Other) Paramilitary/Research & Development with an emphasis on the latter.
Briefly tell us about yourself.
The uplink to the applicant’s profile document will be uploaded in here: Applicant's Profile Documentation
Why do you wish to join us? ”This corner of the space we live in, can be as darker as the people in it. I’ve heard rumors about your organization and asking here and there, I’ve found what I needed. The last decade for me were filled with data gathering, data trading, keeping anonymity. You got high praise from the people you know and I could be part of a larger cause, in which I share some ideals. More over… I’ve been on my own for a lot of time. And also.. your appetite for technology.. let’s say it’s another criteria to be interested.”
What's your Discord? You got it. I’m already on your server.
Why do you want to join us? Be honest. Make a change of scope, do something else. Also because you are very active and are a weird but fun bunch.
Rate your RP and PVP skills out of 10. RP : 10++, the thing I like to do most.
PVP: 4-5, but there’s time for improvement
Do you promise to not let external opinion dictate your actions or behavior? I am here already so, yeah.