(05-27-2018, 08:44 PM)Anton Okunev Wrote: Also about OC-sairs, this is okay. There much IRL situations when two enemy forces with true hate between, will ally against another more hated/outsiders ones. Admit, Core inRP is an annoying outsiders for everybody in Omicrons, so they logically will shot you first, for prevent any growning of any another concurents.
The only reason I can think of OC-Sairs allying with each other against Core is inside my magical headcanon where Core is stronger than both OC and Corsairs combined, and they must form truces in order to combat a stronger, more dangerous threat. Otherwise, Corsairs and Outcasts have a seething hatred for each other that is above an independent paramilitary.
If it happens once or very rarely, or in situations in-game where Core has bigger numbers that eclipse Outcasts and Corsairs (I wish, gibe indies pls) so they work together for the sake of PvP, then it's ok. But I keep seeing situations where the Hispania factions have higher or equal numbers, yet both team up against Core anyway. And before The Core ships even show up they'll be casually chatting to each other like friends. I have also seen similar team-ups, where the factions involved inRP hate each other, more than Core to varying degrees, but act like friends in-game. SSEC and ApS are the only exceptions to this, as they've at least done roleplay to justify it.
Maybe my headcanon is correct, and those players are just simply doing good RP. All in all, there are too many scenarios in which factions that are logically hostile to each other act anything but. As I said, I don't think rule 3.3 is good or clear enough. It kinda seems like a chat-specific rule anyway, rather than an RP one.