Name: Alex Mason Age: 28 Height: 194 cm Weight: 90 Kg Biography:I was born on planet Erie.I grew up with my parents Joshep and Stefani.My father was in Liberty Navy.When I complete school my parents gave me Sunburst for my 18th birthday.I started to mine and earn some money for a transport.While I was mining my mom contacted me and said that my father is died in battles with Galic Royal Navy.That was when I was24 years old.I was so angry and sad, and I started earning money for a Liberty capital ship.Now after I saw you Recruitment I want to join you and I want to fight with you becouse my father and I
want to continue his steps and I want to revenge him.
What's your motivation for joining our fleet?: Continue fathers steps and revenge him and also become a good pilot
OORP What kind of experience do you have on Discovery?: Mining, Trading ,Capital ships flying (battleship)
Your SKYPE or DISCORD ID: Discord ID: Lambda 4 LSF / #4514 [/indent]