Director Synk I have great news for you. Another batch of three thousand human souls and and one thousand one hundred cubic units of Azurite Gas have been delivered to Genesis Hall.
While I was in New London with some personal business to solve I stumbled upon a Freelancer 'Serenity' who was transporting Passengers. I took the opportunity, chased him and in the end I made the captain send all the humans into space in their escape pods.
[21.06.2018 19:43:59] (C~Vennamis: This is Adept Vennamis of the Commune speaking., cut your engines and stand by for cargo scan.
[21.06.2018 19:44:35] (C~Vennamis: Ahh just what I was looking for.
[21.06.2018 19:45:00] (C~Vennamis: Someone will be happy to hear that I got humans for experiments *laughs*
[21.06.2018 19:45:10] NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[21.06.2018 19:45:22] (C~Vennamis: Now, trader. Tell your passenger to head for escape pods and throw them out.
[21.06.2018 19:45:31] These are innocent people
[21.06.2018 19:45:42] (C~Vennamis: Too bad for them.
[21.06.2018 19:45:53] (C~Vennamis: You can get out alive if you comply.
[21.06.2018 19:45:55] what will you do with them?
[21.06.2018 19:46:14] (C~Vennamis: Me? Nothing, but my friends will play with them *evil laugh*
[21.06.2018 19:46:37] (C~Vennamis: It will involve nomad stuff.
[21.06.2018 19:46:58] (C~Vennamis: Try not to tell them that. I don't want them to panic.
[21.06.2018 19:47:16] they have already heard your transmission
[21.06.2018 19:47:38] (C~Vennamis: bad.
[21.06.2018 19:47:38] They are now in their pods
[21.06.2018 19:47:50] (C~Vennamis: Now throw them out of your ship.
After the poor souls were left in space with me, I send word to Araxes via long range communication array to come and take 'em. Next I found the closes possible base where I could park my ship and went aboard the Araxes to supervise the delivery and to make sure everything goes smooth.
Knowing that you have also requested for some Azurite Gas, I contacted an old friend. I know him since I was doing errands for my father mining company. His name is Dylan O'Dare and luckly he was still in the mining business. Knowing that Azurite Gas can be found in a dangerous place, after the humans were delivered I went to scout the reactor. There I found a Warnode called 'Kessereya'. I got it's approval to get as much as I needed of that stuff and then to leave that place.
[17.06.2018 19:23:19] Kessereya: *As battletransport approaches the chamber, the crew begins to feel the enveloping cold of the cosmos.*
[17.06.2018 19:23:55] (C~Araxes: Vennamis: I do hope I do not make anyone angry here.
[17.06.2018 19:24:51] Kessereya: "What is a purpose of you being here?" *The voice they heard definitely belonged to a woman. It was cold, calm and quiet.*
[17.06.2018 19:25:32] (C~Araxes: Vennamis: I have received orders to bring 1000cu of Azurite Gas to Genesis Hall for research.
[17.06.2018 19:26:15] Kessereya: "What is a purpose of your research?"
[17.06.2018 19:27:03] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Serket
[17.06.2018 19:27:11] (C~Araxes: Vennamis: I am not aware of that. I am just doing the mission the mission.
[17.06.2018 19:27:53] Kessereya: "Then your command should have provided you a better information."
[17.06.2018 19:28:43] Kessereya: "Extract as much as you need and depart. No more, no less."
[17.06.2018 19:29:08] (C~Araxes: Vennamis: Got it. Thank you for the understanding.
Seeing that I got their approval, I told my friend that he can go there and gather the gas. It was foolish of him to go there alone, but let's say that he owed me one and now we are even. In the mean time I kept the battletransport in a safe place, away from everyone's eyes. It took him quite some time to get me the first batch of Azurite Gas, but I got to admit that this was a difficult task for him.
[19.06.2018 21:49:33] (C~Araxes: Vennamis: Good day! This is Eziquel Vid speaking. Long time no see Dylan *smiles*
[19.06.2018 21:50:11] Dylan.O'Dare: Good to see you Eziquel! Indeed, it's been long time since we last spoke to eachother.
[19.06.2018 21:51:08] (C~Araxes: I hope you are doing well. So let's talk about the favour I asked you for.
[19.06.2018 21:51:57] Dylan.O'Dare: The first batch have been dealt with. I brought it already. There were no problems.
[19.06.2018 21:52:38] (C~Araxes: Great! I knew I could count on ya.
[19.06.2018 21:52:53] Dylan.O'Dare: Well.....I owed you one, so here we are.
[19.06.2018 21:53:04] Dylan.O'Dare: Initiating trading sequence.
[19.06.2018 21:53:24] (C~Araxes: Trading sequence initiated.
[19.06.2018 21:53:52] (C~Araxes: Trading sequence completed.
[19.06.2018 21:54:08] Dylan.O'Dare: I will be on my way back now. Expect news soon about the second batch.
[19.06.2018 21:54:29] (C~Araxes: You know how to find me.
[19.06.2018 21:54:44] (C~Araxes: Try to deliver me the last batch as soon as you can.
[19.06.2018 21:54:54] Dylan.O'Dare: Sure will do.
[19.06.2018 21:55:00] Dylan.O'Dare: Take care, Eziquel!
[19.06.2018 21:55:08] (C~Araxes: Safe skies, Dyaln!
It didn't took long after he left to deliver the last amount of Azurite Gas. I was quite surprised by how fast he got this thing done.
[19.06.2018 22:10:44] (C~Araxes: Vennamis: Greetings Dylan! You moved fast this time. Thank you again for helping me with this.
[19.06.2018 22:11:53] Dylan.O'Dare: No problem old friend.
[19.06.2018 22:12:10] Dylan.O'Dare: Let's finish this fast. I have some business to attent.
[19.06.2018 22:12:31] Dylan.O'Dare: Initiating trading sequence....
[19.06.2018 22:13:12] (C~Araxes: Trading sequence initiated.
[19.06.2018 22:13:20] (C~Araxes: Trading sequence completed.
After all the wanted amount of Azurite Gas was aboard the Araxes, I proceeded to deliver it to Genesis Hall. I hope this will help you with your researches, director.