I bring answers to the questions unasked, but murmured in hushed tones. As of 63 standard solar days ago, during a small expedition in the northern Edge Worlds, the Overlord's mindset implant has gone dark. He passed from the range of the all-seeing eye, and we have not yet been able to locate him. Let us, however, dispel with vile rumors and calumny immediately. The Overlord is not dead. He is alive, and will return to us, as destiny dictates. Saying, and even thinking otherwise is equal to apostasy. Let this serve as a warning to all those whose hearts would deceive them.
This is the truth. And yet the fact remains - the Pyramid is missing a Cornerstone. Addressing the one whom the Overlord has observed and prepared to become his second. Calling upon the Adept, now with the passage of this mindstream, Marauder - Ezequiel Vid, known as Vennamis. You are demanded to assume his position, and perform regency over the Raiders in his stead. Until such a time he returns to us.
The efforts to locate him will continue. All that is expected from the rest of you, is to have faith. The Great Work resumes uninterrupted; And it demands everything you have.