(07-01-2018, 09:55 PM)Silverlight Wrote: at least when it was monthly you had an activity boost at the end of every month not the end of every three
But the amount of time was lower so there is not much difference. With monthly system, usually factions lacked like 3-12 hours which needed to be long in last few days. With three months system, they lack more, sometimes even several times more, so they also have to log more at the end of the quarter. Also quarter system helps factions which have troubles for one or two months (what happens to almost every smaller faction from time to time) to stay afloat by saving it in the rest of the time.
(07-01-2018, 09:56 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: The activity system needs to be more rewarding. Give sci-data to active factions, or something. That will encourage people to log throughout the three months, rather than right at the end because of the fear of losing officialdom.
I don´t this this would help in any way. Factions which has to log more at the end of quarter because they don´t have enough activity would not get rewards anyway in such system. It would be just nice bonus for those who do not have activity problems, but would not help those who have them. Faction which has average logging time of 3 days will hardly suddenly start making 10 or more days just because some sci-datas can be acquired this way.