So i'm on mah zno killin them there trade lanes fer the XA like they asked me to...
First a level 29 with a rheinland name and ship comes through... steals half the loot from the npcs i'd killed, then runs off, not a word. Even asked him to 'donate' to our cause and got nuthin.
Then a level 5 comes through, I dont even ask him fer a donation cuz he aint got much money to begin with... and all 'o a sudden he starts squealin in system comms like a stuck pig... "XENOS HERE! XENOS AT THE TRADE LANE TO PUEBLO! XENOXENOXENOXENOXENOS!!!" ... ok, bit uf an exagerration, but you get the point.
Now... I'm like level 43, in an arrow. All it'd take was this squealer attractin one of the hundreds of capships liberty lawfuls are flyin around in, or hell even a VHF, and ida been toast.
That seem right to you? That some guy with pvp immunity can come along and start yellin out my location while I cant do nuthin in return?