The Apostatas is a progressive faction that wants to modernize the Corsairs. This includes but is not limited to gaining knowledge, development and social growth. They believe this can only be done by breaking away from a criminal life and gaining support from Lawful and Quasilawful Organizations. Apostatas believe themselves to be more Civilized and better composed then their Corsairs counterparts. Pilot carrying this ID is a member of the Corsairs, who:
-Can attack any ship in self-defense or to protect an allied or friendly ship anywhere
-Can attack any ship which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Apostatas within their Zone of Influence.
-Can treat ships carrying Blood Diamonds, Slaves and Cardamine as combat targets.
-Cannot take any ship larger then a Gunboat into non-hostile house core space.
-Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.
-Zone of Influence: Kusari, Omegas, Sigmas, Omicrons, Munich, Frankfurt
But as we can see here someone of you using Freelancer ID. Does your Faction info said that you are Corsairs? As I remember well, there you have ships with Corsair ID, now you have ships with Freelancer ID, how one faction can use 2 ID's? It's only a question, so I interesting how you explain it.