Receiver: Matthew 'Mate' Hammond, Gentleman, Golden Oak Tours, GENTLEMAN-ACCESS
Sender: Leon 'Fabulous' Harrington, CRO, Golden Oak Tours
Sent from: Golden Oak Tours Nobleman-class Serenity non-passenger cargo-vessel 'Leon', New London //GOAT.Nobleman.Leon//
Sent on: 825 A.S., August 08, 15:14 SMT
Subject: Monetary Boost
>>> Begin Message <<<
"Salutations, Mate-dear, and may the golden oak guide thee! I've just read thy report that th'ast apparently spent close to thine entire life savings' for this venture, oh dear!
"I and we of Golden Oak Tours wish to extend our aid towards thy endeavor and not make it seem so daunting.
"In thy Gentleman-class' account, th'will find a generous monetary boost of 5,000,000 Credits to repay thy dedication towards becoming a member of our illustrious corporate family. If thou manages to finish thy prerequisites before the end of the week, th'art free to keep the monetary boost for thine own endeavors. If not, then 'twill expect to hand it back before thy leave, nothing personal.
"We hope only the best of chances for thee to succeed in proving thyself as a respectable, if not marvelous gentleman of Golden Oak Tours.
"May the solars guide thee, Mate-dear... Fabulous out.