We understand the Hackers' positions of ceasing military supplies as to not harm your interests invested with the Unioners. We fully understand and accept the terms of operating Lane Hacker technology and will take great effort to avoid using them against the Unioners. I cannot make entire promises that the Unioners will simply stand down if they find me assaulting Navy assets or doing recon within Texas utilizing the Vindicator in my possession, but I will make great effort to not put this vessel into avoidable situations. As for the involvement of the Hellfire Legion, we had been approached about resolving diplomatic issues that had transpired in the past, alongside a detailed listing of disciplinary action taken against the pilots that had assaulted our forces. With their punishment and numerous attempts to regain the neutral status with the Battlegroup by offering combat and logistical support in our battles against the Unioners.
Onto the final issue. The straw that broke the back, so to say. The incident in question happening some time ago, spiraling this situation into the current dilemma. To anyone else it would very sudden for our organizations to be fighting each other. However, there were numerous occasions between the Unioners and Harmony that the they had not only insulted our diplomatic reasoning in attempting to avoid unnecessary armed conflict, but even some pilots combat skills and even our measures to ensure our protection. With the building of tensions I believe the situation that was being handled, with a sudden explosion of reaction by the Unioners, led to this forced response from Harmony. We had attempted diplomacy, but Admiral Knight had seen that the Unioners were merely playing with fate and delaying the seeming inevitable. Upon delivering the ultimatum, both sides reacted as expected, resulting in war.