(08-28-2018, 07:33 PM)Greylock97 Wrote: I'm running a bit low on credits, I don't suppose you would be willing to exchange 3 AHRIMANs for 3 of my spare ASURAS?
Hello, fellow,
Actually we have too many assuras.
It turns out that the wreck that leaves Assuras, releases four at a time, while the Arhiman looses one at a time. This complicates the recovery of the new Arhiman's. Not to mention the fact that the competition to get an Arhimam is huge. In our case, our employee has to get up early to get one per day. This is on our company payroll. That is why we value the sale of Sirius Crédit in cash.
We hope you soon have a savings for such an acquisition.
Without more, regards: