We would like to withdraw this application. As of this moment The Blood Dragons is on hold while we look for a new leader. Just to avoid making a new thread ill give a quick reason.
Basically keeping a faction running within Kusari is a challenge within itself so kudos to those OFL factions that have managed to maintain it. But after a few knockbacks (We all have them occasionally) most of the faction has lost motivation leaving a handful of members carrying the rest. Unfortunately I don't have as much time as I would like to dedicate to keeping people motivated so basically here we are. If anyone is interested in taking on the faction in it's current state PM me and we can work out details for passing over the Tag and other things. Just a note that we have not disbanded some of us will still be around occasionally and potentially still to attend events and reply to comms albeit a bit slow. If nothing comes of this then we hope that it makes a space for a new Blood Dragon faction to emerge.