Maggie Noodles saved me during my collage days, i couldn't cook anything other than instant noodles
long live Maggie noodles!
I myself am into 'Cup Noodles', the Japanese version, when I can get them. The thing to remember when buying them, is that the closer to red the package is the hotter they are going be.
Blue is your basic seafood, green is chicken. Orange is a laksa (sp?) of some sort and I have no idea what purple is but they are way to hot for me.
Simplest food item out there, peel the top off, add hot water, close the top and wait a bit, then eat.
No little packages to open. Wonderful stuff.
Too bad I can't get my hands on the full range without traveling into the city or near enough to get to a Japanese import store that imports, well, all things Japanese as far as food goes from what the web site shows. They even do high quality Sake.
Mum regularly uses a specific kind of prepackaged soft noodles (two sealed bags to a pack) in place of rice.