But I'm not sure there's as good a way to say "get guys here at all times for big fights" without having that asset that needs defending.
If I were to simply say "count all the deaths in the system, winner is those with more kills" You'd have a much harder time getting ships to stay online and be targets.
The outcast swarm of bombers wouln't log if we weren't sitting around the base. The nemps were baited out because we had a location and a cluster of high value players.
I could be wrong, but.
suppose we ran a similar event without pob-seiges, but the fate of game assets hanging in the balance. We'd be able to get people together for an initial event, I'm sure. Another one, 3 hours later? Dedicated time-killers through the night? Two, three days of constant whirring activity?
I'm very curious about what we can do to make any event half as strong on the time spent in game front, on the constant, recurring battles front.