[29.11.2018 12:18:47] SVW|Delivery: Hello, Commander ... You did order a MK3 Cloaking Disruptors?
[29.11.2018 12:19:00] 8th|LNS-North.Carolina: Yes, I'm waiting for you outside.
[29.11.2018 12:19:11] 8th|LNS-North.Carolina: Payment evidence was sent.
[29.11.2018 12:19:55] SVW|Delivery: Payament evidence ok.I deliver. Is it ok for you now?
[29.11.2018 12:21:24] 8th|LNS-North.Carolina: Yes, I'm waiting for you outside, in conn
[29.11.2018 12:21:27] 5th|LNX-Warspite: libdread best
[29.11.2018 12:21:33] SVW|Delivery: ok
[29.11.2018 12:22:03] 8th|LNS-North.Carolina: Thank you.
[29.11.2018 12:22:22] 8th|LNS-North.Carolina: I appreciate your wok.
[29.11.2018 12:22:30] 8th|LNS-North.Carolina: work*
[29.11.2018 12:22:44] SVW|Delivery: No problem. Thanks to your preference with Secret Valley Workshop
[29.11.2018 12:23:17] 8th|LNS-North.Carolina: No problem, 'til next time.
[29.11.2018 12:23:22] 2018-11-29 14:23:24 SMT Traffic control alert: 8th|LNS-North.Carolina has requested to dock
[29.11.2018 12:23:41] SVW|Delivery: Sure. Thanks.