The way i look at is that player Rp canimpact the Story it just depends on what your trying to do. The Conflict in Delta was mostly player driven and things were implemented to reflect this. The Gallic/Bretonia war is the Main story arc so its possible that what rp you do wont effect its outcome in the long run but it could be part of it, for example in Omega 49 im doing what i can to create the idea of a resistance movement etc etc. The story devs may already have it set that Gran Canaria is becoming Bretonia BUT my actions along with those who join in my Rp could lead to there being a leeds style atmosphere dock, or i could Rp that Lanzarote managed to hold off being taken over and remain a Zoner base.
You have to look at the rp in the server in 2 ways. You have the Main Plot which is done by the story devs, this is a ride the wave situation, you Rp with the situation it might lead to things being implemented to complement the plot. Then you have Sirius at large, the Main plot ISNT the only story going on, the rps that are happening elsewhere do often lead to canon implimentation. It just depends which part you wanna rp, alongside the plot or elsewhere.