『Firstname: Lothar
『Surname: Karlsohn
『Age: 33
『Date of Birth: 19th March 792 A.S.
『Origin: Rheinland
『Short biograph: I was born and raised on cold planet Hamburg. My family was part of the working class and saved enough money to allow me to study engineering and business on New Berlin after I got my Abitur. Then I followed a two-year training program in foreign lenguages. I've been working as a counsellor and independant trader up to these days.
『Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[X] - Transport Division
[ ] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? Primarily, to make my parents proud by joining a prestigious company. Also to get a stable job insuring a steady income to my family.
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I'm a young motivated professional with a good knowledge of business and foreign lenguages, which will certainly prove useful when it comes to exports. I also have a small experience of piloting in difficult conditions.
『Lothar Karlsohn
『Lothar Karlsohn
『// OORP Notes: New to Discovery, first application to a player faction.
『Discord Details: MilanK#1110
『Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes/No>
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes/No>
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <Yes/No> My starting funds are unfortunately very low... I could definitely use a company Behemoth, if the Transport Division staff is kind enough to provide me one.
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected) The company doctors will surely confirm that I am a regular homo sapiens sapiens!