Sender: Yasmin ibn Fedayeen | Recipient: El Portavoz del CoE | Encripted: DEEP
Salam Alaikum, effendi da Palma Oliveira.
Imam Abdullah, our man of wisdom, sent me to you. We would like to remain in shadow of your mighty Empire, but in that case we would miss our finest hour. So, here we are, in need to help you.
I will just remind you, we are people of deep desert of Crete. Tuaregs, on our language. Some of our tribes live just a day of walk from your fancy rich cities. But deep desert is a place where most of us dwell, including me and including our fearsome warriors. Fedayeen, again on our language. Having no steel or other metals, our weapons are made of Artifacts and of firelizard bones, sometimes. We use no plasma or laser beams, just our armor piercing blades. Every Fedayeen is trained to hide, move fast, hit to kill and disappear again. We like it close and personal. We sustain our wounds. We cut ones foolish enough to stay and then we run after smart ones and cut them too.
As you probably noticed, no one stayed alive to talk about how we fight. And we would like to give you some troops, if you agree. They will come in handy in urban warfare, ships and bases embarks, caves, mines, corridors, even woods. Hereby we offer:
- 5000 of close combat Fedayeen marines
All we ask in return is one house on the green grass at Gran Canaria. Even small wooden one will do. My father, Emir (leader) of Fedayeen is dying and his last wish is to do it in the house on the green grass.
Prophet be merciful to our enemies.
Alaikum Salam,
Yasmin ibn Fedayeen
Fedayeen Training Facility
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