Carrier ID: Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron | Carrier: Imperial goods liberation Armada | Description: Mucho dangerous marines
Urban warfare specialists
Senorita Yasmin! *eyebrows* Nice to see you grown so... nice!
Very nice... *keeps staring for a while, making this comm a bit awkward*
Mucho good offer you gave us. We accept! Deliver 5000 Fedayeen, por favor. Deliver them to Casablanca, where they can wait for their turn. We don't need them running with other marines at some Gran canaria pampas and get shot. We must keep them in dark and cold place, si? *gives his charming latino smile*
And... I'm sorry to hear about your father. He helped me once and I remember him well. He will be welcome to my hacienda at Gran canaria, like it's his own. *nods sadly, pressing a button with his hairy macho hand to end comm. Button cracked in a sad way*
|X| - |X| - |X| - |X| No Carrier at all |X| - |X| - |X| - |X|