『Firstname: <Erwin F.>
『Surname: <Mannlicher>
『Age: <48>
『Date of Birth: <25.03.778>
『Origin: <Rheinland>
『Short biography: <Erwin Mannlicher was born on Planet Stuttgart in 778 to a small middle class family. His father was the owner and operator of a small independent factory primarily producing farming machinery. The factory, a centuries old family business, had originally produced specialist firearms - but after the end of the 80-Years War their only remaining market was Stuttgart farmers. Although this was initially enough, as the years passed the business struggled to keep pace with the ever increasing production of industrial farming equipment by the super-corporations. Indeed, Erwins father Herbert was forced to sell the company to his competitors in 800 A.S. Following this, the family relocated to Neu Berlin as Hebert found work as an engineer with Daumann at the Oderwerke.
Growing up on Neu Berlin, Erwin was a tinker, often spending hours on end in his father's home workshop with him working on some project or other. It was no surprise, then, when Erwin returned to Stuttgart in 792 A.S. at age 14 to attend the Technikakademie. Initially studying general engineering, Erwin would go on to further studies on Stuttgart, graduating with a speciality in space-borne architecture in 798.
While languishing at the family home on New Berlin, trying to decide on his future career, Erwin was swept up by the patriotic fervour sweeping through Rheinland. He promptly signed up, and based on his specialities was assigned the the Landstreitkrafte ground forces as a Combat Engineer with a speciality in siegeworks.
The early years of Erwins career were fairly quiet, spent for the most part transferring from world to world with his unit as Rheinland worked to improve its planetary ground defenses. During the Nomad War his unit was deployed on a detached mission, during the course of which they became engaged in heavy fighting, at times resorting to hand to hand combat. For his direction of defensive constructions and the extensive use of demolitions munitions to give the desperately fighting soldaten a fighting chance, Erwin was subsequently awarded the Iron Cross.
By 804, Erwin had been assigned as a staff officer in the engineering staff of the then Colonel von Moltke. Moltke selected Erwin to be trained as a specialist engineer, before he returned to the Landstreitkraefte. Although he would see a great deal of actions in the coming years, it was rarely in ground combat - instead finding himself tending to engineering tasks aboard the ships carrying the ground troops. After being noted several times, Mannlicher was eventually ordered to transfer to the Rheinland Military, serving as an expert engineer with the Abwehr's Sondereinheit Von Rohe. The majority of his personnel file during this period is heavily redacted.
After the end of his service term in 821 A.S., he accepted retirement from the military life. Although his father had passed away years earlier, his elderly mother was still living on New Berlin. Returning there, he set about making a civilian life for himself. Deciding to work with his engineering skills, Erwin entered the Republican Shipping training programme - spending the next two years learning the shipbuilding craft. At the end of his educational period, he left Republican and went to work for Daumann at the Oderwerft.>
『Division to join:
[x] - Transport Division
[x] - Mining Division
[x] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? <Daumann has a long history of not only employing a great number of engineers, but working on Rheinlands most extensive engineering projects. Daumanns legacy is one I wish to be a part of.>
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? <Particular skills in situational engineering developed by military service with Sondereinheit Von Rohe, beyond the edge of 'civilised' space, and further specialities in ship construction>
『<Character fullname>
『[font=segoe]<Erwin Ferdinand Mannlicher>
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: In the DHC discord already.
『Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes>
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes>
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <No but feel free>
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: <No>