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『Firstname: Franz
『Surname: Bauer
『Age: 29
『Date of Birth: 14/12/797
『Origin: Munich / Rheinland
『Short biograph: I was born on the Nuremberg Planet.
I had a very tight childhood. My parents taught me how to work. They also taught to study. I divided my time between them. I graduated from the Nuremberg Flight Academy. Then I followed my adventure path through the Sirius system. Now, tired and already very mature to know that I have much to learn yet, I propose to employ myself in this company to make my fortune with my transportation and mining vessel.
I would like to be accepted into this job.
『Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[X] - Transport Division
[X] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? <Text here>
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? To make a fortune and to know new horizons.
『Character Fullname
『Franz Bauer
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: Hopewell#2432
『Have you read our Infomation Page: A bit
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: A bit
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: No
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)