『Firstname: <Siegfried>
『Surname: <von Thielau>
『Age: <23>
『Date of Birth: <23.07.802 A. S. >
『Origin: <Planet Stuttgart, Rheinland >
『Short biograph: <Siegfried is the Son of Jürgen von Thielau, a highly awarded BDM officer. Siegfried grew up in the militaristic family clan, the von Thielaus. He took over the mindset, but didn't want to join the Rheinwehr, like his Grandfather or like his uncle. Siegfried was fascinated by the business man of the DHC company. At the age of 23 Jürgen finally allowed his Son to apply to the Company.>
『Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[X] - Transport Division
[X] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? <As the Rheinland runs out of stock of certain goods, I want to help to get them transported to the Rheinland myself. I also want to help in tje Bergbau, which interests me since I was a child.>
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? <Im a keen and active person, as well as I'm a loyal worker. I'm also not tired at night, so can do some shifts in the night too.>
『<Character Fullname>
『[font=segoe script]<Siegfried von Thielau>
『// OORP Notes:
『Discord Details: <You have them>
『Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes>
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes>
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <No>
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)