Backstory: // To be disclosed ingame or on the forums. This is simply a statement of interest rather than a solid RP document.
Where you are defecting from: Nowhere. I'm a priorly Auxesian Freelancer that left the movement after I was tortured, psychologically maimed, and stalked.
Have you ever been sanctioned: //Yes, and I have received sanctions with this character, full disclosure. I have no intentions to repeat-offend.
If you were a food, what would you be: I would be a chimmichanga, or a lemon meringue pie cake.
Are you conveniently joining with any foreign technology? Y/N: Gammuian AI, Auxesian Core technology, and Zoner spacecraft.
// A more elaborate recruitment form will be roleplayed out ingame and on the forums due to the longevity of the character - a direct post wasn't appropriate.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)