- inRP section - Character Name: Akahana Hirose
Short Biography: Akahana Hirose was adopted by foster parents at a young age,she never got to know her real parents. Her father died at a young age, leaving her with her mother only to look up to. During my teenage years my distrust towards the lawful authorities and male dominance in Kusari grew more and more. After protesting against the government she got imprisoned, where she heard rumors about the Golden Chrysanthemus and wanted to join them.
Reasons for joining inRP: Fighting the government, empowering kusarian women
In order to serve our cause, you must pass the Trial of Severing. Do you agree to pass the trial?:Yes
Do you agree to have your character addicted to cardamine?:Yes - ooRP section - RP skill level (1 - 10): 7
pvp skill level (1 - 10): 6
Availability: on the weekends, during the week depends on work
Time Zone: UTC+1
Discord ID:you have it, Afkippebier#6904