Firstname Surname: [Hugues.Manitou] Age: [39 ans] Birthplace: [Gallia in a rescued vessel] Previous Expierences: [For a long time, we lived in Roussillon, where I held two positions!
The first was the security of the system as an independent Council, and the second was the co-manager of a civilian base.
The two bases no longer exist, and we have all left this first Gallic democratic system of Sirius.
So now I'm ready to drive the tyrant out of power again!] Criminal Records: [I have some ideas who could help] Short Biography: [In Roussillon as refugees, we have tried to install a *Démocratie*, but the official Council was too much occupied in their home to enough help us, so a *démocratie* is not easy to install without help!
I can add more détails, but here it will be too much long ]
// OORP Section: Discord Details: [i have one, i will send it, if needed]