...From: Taishō Hikaru Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: KNF High Command, Action Reports
...Cc: KNF Delta Comms
...Subject: Trap in Dundee system
A trap! Treacherous Bretonians!
Our informations were wrong...quadrant b4 in Dundee was heavily guarded.
A Bretonian Gunboat with a full load of missiles was expecting our fighter assault wing along with Templars escorts.
Our forces fought valiantly and damaged the capital ship but enemy advantage was overwhelming.
My Chimaera fallen shorty after Daii Katsu one and Daisa Kanadzuchi issued a retreat order which saved the lives of ejected pilots.
To all who fought with me there I say:
"Success isn't definitive, failure isn't fatal. What count in the end is bravery."