By now you've noticed Auxesian Paramilitary vessels in your territory, stopping and seizing cargo from various vessels or actively purging degenerate elements from the area. Our people are authorized by myself to use whatever means necessary to restore order and seize all technological items of note. Rest assured that we're operating with the best intentions in mind.
You have nothing to fear. Cooperation is compulsory. Just stay out of the way and let us do our jobs. Interfere with The Covenant's mission and you will be dealt with. Severely.
...transmission complete
...terminating stream
We assume this is related to the attack on Pacifica we registered.
Have you had any information about this attack? There is Auxesia vessels everywhere and if they just do what they please this will undermine our efforts of establishing control on this system fully.
With the LSF pushing into the system we can't afford any further distractions.