Name: Teofilo Alesci Age: 43 Biography:
Teofilo is a hitman by trade, with years of flight experience in small craft, and has his own customised fighter to show for it, having worked for various organisations, Maltese and non-Maltese at different points in time.
Born on Malta to parents who were part of the Maltese Navy, Teofilo was conditioned to discipline while growing up, and naturally developed an interest in following his parents' footsteps, not knowing much of anything else, and learning many of the skills that were imparted to him by his parents. He enlisted in the Navy, but soon found himself limited by bureaucracy and internal politics. Extremely dissatisfied with his job prospects, he eventually left to pursue mercenary work through contacts that he gained from his time in the Navy with the skills that he acquired, looking in the Taus and Omicrons for any contracts that he could find, and at one point moving to Liberty and Bretonia to work for local pirate groups.
Despite his mercenary attitude, he is careful not to associate with any of Malta's enemies to avoid being blacklisted by the Maltese government. He specialises in doing wetwork and security details. Teofilo has developed somewhat of a reputation among his employers for taking multiple "side-jobs" even when his loyalties have been paid for, although there is never apparent evidence of any conflicts of interest. Currently, he is not affiliated with any organisation and has returned to Malta seeking a stable income with his piloting experience.
Desired Branch: Security //RP Archetype: Security, assassination, intelligence gathering, piracy. //What is the surname of the family running the Cartel? Escudero