(05-24-2019, 04:33 PM)Haste Wrote: Maybe what we should all learn from this is that events between two parties who just want to fling poop at one another ooRP are a bad idea.
I like that you're making this an oorp-motivated event when it was just a thing to do to give a bunch of people activity, but since Bering is actually a sewer I regret wasting the NEMPs in the first place considering the overwhelmingly toxic reaction and behind-the-scenes behavior. I've chastised people on my side for things during this as well, but ultimately this was done to be something fun.
Unfortunately people take things too personally here. They stoop to bad behavior and broken loadouts in an effort to send a message. Retaliation then occurs, and it stays back and forth until the thing is over. Things that were intended to be fun and generate some stuff to do get turned into so-called 'oorply motivated attacks and agendas'. Grow up, dude. None of you are that important or interesting to warrant me spending any amount of time to ruin your entertainment here. I'll settle for shooting people ingame and doing the roleplays like everyone else honestly should.
We should've just shot Bretonia, tbh.
Given how frequently Auxesia makes fun of Tanith and UN|, I'm sceptical that the intent behind this event is fully clean of Aux just wanting to flex on UN| at their expense. Taking a glance at both Discords, it's quite clear that neither UN| or Auxesia are best friends - very far from it. I'm sure the Staff could pull group chat logs to show how Auxesia really feels.