I apologise for not getting on my knees and bowing to the Auxesia clique who have:
Told me to go kill myself
Been openly racist to me
Have made fun of me going through depression
Have jumped on me in other Discords for talking about non-Auxesia related things and take screenshots and make memes about what I say and post it in their Discord
Have pulled strings behind the scenes to make my roleplay feel worthless just so they can get what they want.
I don't think anyone here is going to buy that Auxesia are noble souls who only want to deliver fun gameplay and server activity for UN|, and are the victims of this event. Do I hate Auxesia? That's too much effort. I do think you're a dangerous combination of extreme hypocrisy and toxicity, however, and this event reveals it. UN are simply acting on their own accord, all I care about is points and couldn't be bothered to stir up a meme squad especially if it'd mean I'd get less points for myself.
(05-24-2019, 04:46 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: they gave out reminders that ganking isn't a valid thing to complain in feedback threads
That's exactly the problem. People slip up and gank, it happens. Auxesia (and UN to be fair) have done it so frequently that when they quote Athenian out of context to spam his statement on ganking it feels derogatory and snarky. If people make the mistake and gank, own up to it, and work to improve. If you do it repeatedly, it starts to look purposeful and that you don't care for the quality of the interaction.