So, after eight years in this community, the time has come for my first ragebreak. Or maybe ragequit, who knows.
In the past, I thought that if I will be leaving, I will write some thoughtful goodbye message, but I can´t be bothered now (it´s ragequit after all, right?).
I had very little time to actually play the game for last at least year, so I was mostly focused on keeping the RheinGov stuff handled and trying to improve the laws according to the situation and needs. I took it as a service for the community because govs are part of the game and other parties need it in working condition, be it law-enforcement which need to update laws or anyone else to have someone to RP with. I hope it was useful at least a little and maybe even someone liked the RP. Or some police and other stuff I used to do in the past.
I tried to be a reasonable person, I tried my best to settle the disputes. But it seems I was stupid and it was a waste of time obviously because I could not stop the inevitable. I am tired of the heated atmosphere, distrust and neverending conflicts and dramas which I had to deal with continuously for several months now in the Bundestag. And there is only a certain amount of stupidity and personal fights I can take. The current last huge bag of excrements thrown in the fan was enough. And as one wise man once said, enough is enough!. Yes, that´s exactly what I feel to shout right now, only about certain players and this community, but with exactly that language. Unfortunately I can´t open any windows so I have to leave the plane myself...
Anyway, it was fun while it lasted. Well, mostly. Have fun burning the Rheinland down, both sides did and still do their best recently towards this goal.