==Incoming Transmission== ID: Melissa Jones, Leader of Velvet, Administrator of Freeport 11.
Date: 19th June, 826 A.S.
Location: The Velvet|The.Cryolite, stationed outside Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: .
Melissa stands in the empty comms room of the Cryolite, a pleased expression on her face as she's about to speak.
"Nat, I trust that a "test" is not necessary. But, I'm sure members of the organisation will oblige, as a show of mutual respect. I believe a fair trade off for us assisting in this under the radar will mean a fair payout. Now, as much as negotiations can stretch, a fair payout for the completion of this would be around 120,000,000 credits. Which will be fairly and evenly distributed to the team as they see fit. I'll be open to negotiations on this as Order are indeed good allies of ours."
As the transmission ends, she bows her head in respect with a smile.
Melissa Jones - Leader Of Velvet - Administrator Of Freeport 11
== End Transmission==