==Incoming Transmission== ID: Melissa Jones, Leader of Velvet, Administrator of Freeport 11.
Date: 18th June, 826 A.S.
Location: The Velvet|The.Cryolite, stationed outside Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: A return to business.
This message is here to contain the shipping manifests of Velvet's Moonstone-01.
To confirm, this is 10,000 units of Basic Alloy, 1,000 units of Energy Field Equipment, 400 engine components, 800 robotics and 1,800 ship hull panels.
This message is here to contain the shipping manifests of Velvet's Moonstone-02. The time was lost on the capture of this, however, I can confirm without doubt that the items were in fact delivered.
To confirm, this is 3,500 units of Ship Hull Panels.