==Incoming Transmission== ID: Melissa Jones, Leader of Velvet, Administrator of Freeport 11.
Date: 18th June, 826 A.S.
Location: The Velvet|The.Cryolite, stationed outside Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Encryption: ***Unbeatable***
Subject: A return to business.
Melissa is stood on the bridge of the Cryolite, the backdrop is that of the Palau cloud and the sun She stands there smiling as the video feed cuts in. Before she speak, she bows her head in respect. She speaks in a friendly manner.
"Nat, it's good to send you this message. So, good news, everything you asked for as been delivered by the team. Very quick and efficient workers. Can't express how grateful I am to have them on side.
So, to confirm, attached to this message will be the last two deliveries from Moonstone 1 which will complete the deliveries. Now, I don't know what else to say other than it's a pleasure working alongside you. And I want to make an amendment to what I had originally asked. Not of this, the.... Original deal. What I want in return is not what Onyx had asked for, because as we both agreed, that would be utterly nonsensical. Asking for ships is the least of my concern. What I am after, is absolute comparability with your tech lines. Specifically, your your engineers to better help us work on the efficiency of the ships we have attained from the Order.
To confirm, this is 10 Bastet MKII Very Heavy Fighters, 5 Nepythys Very Heavy Fighters and 5 Sekhmet Bombers, maybe we work on sweetening the deal and later asking for more in return, but we will discuss that at a later date. We want your promise that these ships can be used in absolute compatability with what we use. As well as an upgrade of Freeport 11's electronic security and anti nomad internal defenses. It will allow those living and working on the station to rest easier."