Firstname Surname: Pierre Couvreur Age: 23 Birthplace: Planet Ile-De-France Previous Expierences: Former Tank commander on planet Ile-De-France Criminal Records: Setting charges and blowing the tank battalion I had under my command, they fought under a wrong ideology. Short Biography: Well, there ain't much to say about me, besides that I am too much of a threat to the Royalists on the inside. I was born on planet Ile-de-France, in a rich family. I was passionated by the army ever since I was young, but as I grew up I learned more and more, became aware of my surroundings, and at some point, well, I had given up mentally, and with the help received from my tank crew members, we managed to blast out a Goddamn tank battalion! I managed to get away, hiding in a Aurochs freighter until I was found and thrown in space, another crew member managed to escape, but sadly I have lost contact for him and I fear the worst, and the others were caught. When I thought my fate was here, a Maquis patrol came and rescued me, and took me to Champagne. Ever since then I was grateful to them, and I had decided to return the favor, and here I am.