Honestly it’s come to a point that just avoiding toxic people/groups is the best policy 9 times out of ten. What many people in this community don’t understand is that discord and forum behavior counts just as much and sometimes more than ingame behavior.
It’s nothing new. When ever I hear someone complain about the situation in Rheinland and the Omegas: I think about 4.85 and the Tau wars between CR and the OC. Nothing that goes on now compares in any way to that. The hate there was real. Gank or get ganked. Flame on the forums or get flamed. In retrospect it we were absolutely horrible to each other. We were all also a lot younger. What changed?
Well for one there is no longer 220 people on the server at peak times. You get stuck dealing with the same people over and over so you get really tired of things real quick.
Second many of us are older and have less patience for crap. We have jobs, University, and real life things that make wasting energy on the negative aspects of the community unacceptable. So people refuse to log, log off, loose interest, or avoid certain ZOIs, or worst of all leave the game altogether.
Solution: treat each other better, but seeing as everything that is going on isn’t new, I don’t know if there is any chance.