Patience is a virtue, and you have been quite patient with us. Our agents have filed this report which I now share with you. I hope it is of some benefit to you, even if it isn't exactly what either of us asked for.
Location: Planet Cambridge
Sender: Agent J. Skirka To: SIS Control
As per the directors request, Agent Bernhard, domestic agent Price and myself made an attempt yesterday to narrow down the location of the Battleship Embrun in the Newcastle system. Given the nature of the system and it's current inhabitants, finding the battleship and it's accompanying group was not exactly easy.
We have concluded that the Embrun group is not in the Northumberland Ice Cloud, although periodic Royal Navy patrols have been spotted in the region. Likewise, the Western Barrier nebula is clear from all GRI and RN patrols, and thus it is unlikely that the Embrun would be in that area. It should be noted that exploration of the nebula was far from extensive due to limited sensor range. Visual inspection of South Shields Refinery did not indicate any RN presence, and the surrounding area of Planet Hartlepool reinforced this assessment. We conclude therefore that no rendezvous has occurred between the IMG and Gallic forces.
The Galloway Ice Cloud is clear of all hostile forces with the Maltese forces having firmly entrenched their positions within the region. This ought to be considered for future dealings with our allies from Malta as their arrival in Newcastle may be of considerable benefit yet. As it happens, they are currently providing an effective guard against both the IMG and Gallic forces, which will certainly help the Royal Ark's position.
As such, we have narrowed Embrun's location down to the Eastern Barrier Nebula, although an exact location within cannot be provided due to significant resistance within the cloud. Agent Bernhard managed to provide an image which ought to confirm the Eastern Barrier Nebula as the general location of the Embrun.