► Full name: Henrik Ansel von Ehrenberg ► Brief biography: Born the youngest son of Reinhardt von Ehrenberg at the family's New Berlin estates in 806 A.S., Henrik spent the first years of his life under the care of his grandmother, Louise Anna von Ehrenberg, nee. Von Jenzig. (763 - 825), during his father's self-imposed exile from Rheinland. During this time he was schooled at the finest academic institutions on Neu Berlin, living a happy but sheltered life. Following Reinhardt's return to duty with the Rheinwehr after the death of Louise, the family patriarch desired for his son to join the service - as generations had before, including Henrik's older brother. However, although less estranged from his father than his siblings, Henrik convinced his father first to allow him to complete his studies at the Universität Stuttgart and earn a degree in the History of Moral Philosophy. Upon his graduation in early 826 A.S., and upon his father's renewed insistence, with the help of some familial nepotism, Henrik was selected for the fast-track programme at the Military Academie Neu Berlin. ► Age: 20 ► Remarkable encounters as part of the Rheinwehr: N/A Reasons for joining the Rheinland Militär
Duty, honour, service. Family honour, and father, would have it no other way.
► German knowledge level (will not affect your application): Does Google Translate count?
► Can you speak english in a level high enough for a RP server?: Yes
► Are you familiarized with the current conflicts in Rheinland? Outline them (copy/paste will mean inmediate and permanent rejection): On-going war with GMG & RHA.
► Link to your reports: N/A
► Reason for joining?: So Velvet| can take over it's rightful clay. Thank <3.