Data Packet Delivery Successful Sender:Devin Blackwood Encryption:YES Subject:Some Work.
Name: The Nemesis Call-sign: N|- Identification: Gaian ID Reputation:[=] Some things about your organization or yourself: The Nemesis is a recently formed cell within the Gaians. Choosing a more direct action stance to change, the seek the total annihilation of the Gallic Royal Enclave, Justice for Leeds, stopping Planet Form and their corporate lackeys Orbital Spa & Cruise and Synth Foods from wreaking havoc on planets across the sector. We also seek to encourage various industries into the Green Markets.
I agree that by filling this form, I enter a contract with the Hogosha Alliance and can be subject to punishment in case of revealing contract details to third parties. Electronic Signature Detected:
Devin Blackwood
PS: Sorry, can never be to careful when it comes to various intelligence agencies, don't need them tracing my handwriting all the way back to grade school! I assume an electronic signature will do.