Officer Name: Sergeant Andrew Wilson Password: WhyNotStarbucks Topic of Communication: New York Patrol - Filing what missed to file. Recipient: One Police Plaza Looking at report from officer Harrison, I remembered I already saw Honso.Ridge before, two days ago. It seems he decided to not change his ways and did again. Carrying the same Sorted Artifacts as two two days ago. I didn't file a report back then, as he had it in small quantities and was looking like new space.
Violated laws of liberty by Honso.Ridge:
1.4 Contraband and possession of restricted commodities
Checked this information. Salama sold his Order bomber and bought Albatros transport now. Decided to not fine him.
Violated laws of liberty by Salama:
3.1 Restricted technology
Another Junker being up to no good. Smuggler Rock.Bottom was able to escape with a lot of Cardamine onboard. Fine him heavily or arrest on the spot. Watch closely him being not close to trade lanes to escape again.
Violated laws of liberty by Rock.Bottom:
1.1 Contraband and possession of restricted commodities