Application for Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing Ellena Roberts Gender:Female Date of birth:25/09/801 A.S. Place of birth:Planet NL, NL.
Previous experience and Qualifications:5 years of Cargo ship piloting. Financial & Budget Analytics.
Background:I grew up on Southampton Shipyard, but was born on Planet New London. Southampton was where both my parents were working. Father was an engineer and mother was doing paperwork. I was the only child in my family which was very boring.
As Southampton got demolished, my family and I had to find a new home. Father knew how dangerous New London has become, the safest option for our family was to move from Bretonia, somewhere safer. His only contact was his best friend that had a place for us. He was located in Bering on Freeport 2.
Now since my father got a job on Bristol, I am hoping for one as well.