The beginnings of Bristol can be tracked back to the namegiving construction of the installation in late 824. Giving jobs to the civilians of the Separatists, the installation is the first de facto company under Separatist Liberty. Over time the installation allowed a proper company to form and take over most parts while the Battlegroup Harmony distanced itself from it more and more. In May 826 then finally the administration of all but the stations small police force was given over to Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing. The company had properly named and founded itself earlier that year.
While still maintaining close ties to the Battlegroup and the other Separatist forces, the installation and company are fully independent,. The company and base are the hope for the future of the civilian populace.
Having gathered experience and further personnel over the year, Bristol is capable of building some tools, simple vessels(typically from salvaged parts) and installations and satellites. A small group of repair vessels is well capable of repairing Separatist or other paying allies vessels.
Bristol was initially supposed to be a mere mini faction to properly represent the civilian Separatists. The reason was that the military wouldn't directly control the salvaging and civilians that are with them now. Since then it grew into its own thing entirely with the Separatist origins seen only in the history of faction and base and in there maximum reputation with the Separatist forces.
Main operations ingame currently are: base supplies, minor supply contracts and base building. We also do trading, exploration rp and hopefully eventually mining.
In combat they're rarely seen and if present they bring repair vessels to support allies or paying friendlies.
Liberty Separatists
Business Alliance
Business Partner and trusted law enforcement
Business Partner and trusted law enforcement
Lane Hackers
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Police
Synth Foods
Business Partner
Business Partner
Business Partner
Trusted law enforcement
Trusted law enforcement
Business Partner
Everyone else
Open for prospective partners
Liberty Law enforcement
Their reputation makes the company suspicious
Enemy of the companies allies