...From: Taishō Hikaru Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: KNF High Command, Action Reports
...Cc: KNF Delta Comms
...Subject: Orientation flights with Goro Furugori
This to report Shōi Goro Furugori almost completed orientation missions.
While moving between our objectives we run across a Zoner Trader identified as "Tempest" full of counterfait software near Kyushu Planet.
After having disabled the lanes the Zoner stopped and replied positive to our drop cargo request. Said illegal cargo was then destroyed on spot by himself.
Goro behaved well during the process and was of help, he seems to know how it works...looking good!
While helping him in orientation flights near Battleship Nagumo, I received a distress call from a certain "Tycho".
From his statements, his ship was under heavy outcast attack and he was requesting support along Tsushima/Nagumo lane.
Since Goro didn't have the rights documents yet but was apparently able to defend himself pretty well, I let him continue orientation missions alone,
while I was going to reply the distress call.
When I arrived in place I found two Outcast fighters, one of them had the request sender transponder and was grouped with "Suralin". A trap!
They taken my by surprise but I defended myself pretty well and left no but debris of the foul assailants.
My Chimaera suffered moderate damage and will be on repairs for a day at least.
Sensors recordings of both encounters can be found here.