the IDs do not match up with the NPCs actions. take the Zoner ID
Pilot carrying this ID has joined Zoners. Zoner ID grants its owner right to trade, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists, fulfil bounty contracts, participate in military operations on lawful side. Zoner ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions.
Ive seen the zoners fighting against and beside pirate ships, ive even seen them attack and destroy bountyhunters.
As for illiegal activities they sell artifacts and other illegal items at their bases. and in the news broadcasts it tells about the zoners forming supplying corsairs with food?
also the neutral id.
it say the players cannot do anything illegal? if you want to keep all of your houses neutral and still take bounties/escorts then you must either pay off the crimnal factions costs alot more then a fighter pilot can make without trading frequently, or kill a few police/navy ships, wich is definatly illegal.