(04-08-2020, 10:09 PM)HoakinBlackforge Wrote: I need something for dealing with bigger ships, but i dont know what to choose, for the character, i use a freelancer ID.
Current ship is the falchion, with 4 solaris guns, but im not sure, can fighters use torpedoes?
Try the Spatial.
Super Heavy Fighter
Can mount 2 neutralizer/scorcher bombs as well as 1 nova and cd or 1 snac and cd.
Good fun to fly. Many many dakka guns.
Larger shield, can mount like CAU VII if i'm not mistaken.
Slightly larger then most other fighters but is good for anti-snub, anti-cap and anti-piracy
I remember flying the spatial before, but i noticed they changed the model, so i didnt knew if it became bad or good. I guess im getting one then.