At the moment I am stationed on planet Stuttgart in Rheinland. It seems the latter started to resemble Gallia not so long ago with two political forces, the royalist-imperialists and the republicans-federalists fighting for control over the House. Basically, the House of Rheinland is in the state of civil war. I will need to collect more information on the developments here and what assets are controlled by each side. However, I would like to call upon the corporate leadership to issue a general warning regarding the operations in Rheinland. While it is unlikely you become the target of any of the sides, the level of protection against all sorts of pirates is significantly lower, and there is always a chance to be caught in crossfire. Be warned, mes collègues, and stay vigilant if attending Rheinland.
On the brighter side, I managed to encounter several Unioners' ships. Apparently, the faction was de-criminalised by the imperialist side and now is a quasilegal entity. My database suggests the Unioners are Rheinland ship builders or at least used to be. From the encounter I learnt that the faction might come in possession of a big shipyard in Rhainland, allowing them to be back in construction business. This might open opportunities for cooperation and concluding a distribution deal. This move might raise eyebrows of the federalists, so we need to tread carefully. Merely selling ships and doing business, however, should not trigger a fallout in relations with the federalists. Although, if you ask me - i would side with the Imperialists - they would certainly udnerstand our predicament with the counsillards back home and can become trusted allies.
Herein I present the logs of the encounters with the UN pilots. I wish to highlight this encoutner for the corporate leadership to take notes and/or actions regarding possible relations with the Rheinland factions. On the side note, His Royal Majesty Prince de France was mentioned regarding the relations with Rhainland. I am not sure if the Baron has ties to the Prince, but if he does - it might be a good opportunity to strike a deal with Imperial Rheinland.
[11.04.2020 11:26:17] UN|Stoppable: Okay then. Have a nice day.
[11.04.2020 11:26:34] August_Shephard: i've seen the sum of 1B credits that will make it
[11.04.2020 11:27:00] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Bonjour! Rheinland seems hot now
[11.04.2020 11:27:13] UN|Stoppable: James: G'day. You could put it this way.
[11.04.2020 11:28:00] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: I wonder how it will shift local business. Seems like investments in Rheinland would be audacious
[11.04.2020 11:28:12] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: Feel free to show your "kojonas" to this lady as well
[11.04.2020 11:28:29] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Why hello there!
[11.04.2020 11:28:49] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Fill me in on your conversation with this interesting gaul!
[11.04.2020 11:29:07] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: I beg your pardon?
[11.04.2020 11:29:11] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: *enraptured* I've never met a gaul before!
[11.04.2020 11:29:18] UN|Stoppable: Nothin' special. He's wondering how this war of ours will impact his money-maing.
[11.04.2020 11:29:43] UN|Ueberlaufer: Nasty sewage boy coming trough
[11.04.2020 11:29:51] UN|Ueberlaufer: And away he goes
[11.04.2020 11:30:12] UN|Stoppable: They trully are an interesting breed.
[11.04.2020 11:30:35] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: And you would be on the side of the newly born Empire or the republicans?
[11.04.2020 11:31:49] UN|Ueberlaufer: On Imperial side of course. Ol' empire ensured Unioners a place to be and we're fiercely fighting to have it back
[11.04.2020 11:32:17] UN|Varcolac: *Anzia returns, carrying a plate of toast*
[11.04.2020 11:32:28] UN|Varcolac: *It's extremely crunchy toast, covered with egg.*
[11.04.2020 11:32:31] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Excuse moi for silly questions, I like most Gauls am oblivious to local history and politics
[11.04.2020 11:32:36] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Apologies captain - I like to snack whilst I work.
[11.04.2020 11:32:52] UN|Stoppable: James: Would you mind sharing?
[11.04.2020 11:33:09] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Well, I am glad the monarchist sprawl. Perhaps it will give a sign to the idiots back home that a Confederacy is a bad idea
[11.04.2020 11:33:09] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: *catchinig up on the exchange*
[11.04.2020 11:33:14] UN|Stoppable: *gets a watery mouth*
[11.04.2020 11:33:19] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: I can spare you a bar chocolate bar from wreckage
[11.04.2020 11:33:23] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Oh yeah, well, sure! About two hundred years ago, Rheinland was an empire.
[11.04.2020 11:33:31] UN|Stoppable: James: Sure.
[11.04.2020 11:33:32] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: *doubtful* It's a shipwreck - you sure that's chocolate?
[11.04.2020 11:33:43] UN|Ueberlaufer: There you go
[11.04.2020 11:34:07] UN|Stoppable: That way it's fair.
[11.04.2020 11:34:17] UN|Stoppable: James: Thank you.
[11.04.2020 11:34:32] UN|Stoppable: *Unwraps the foil from the chocolate bar*
[11.04.2020 11:34:33] UN|Ueberlaufer: Well,it doesn't fit into "share" meaning
[11.04.2020 11:34:38] UN|Ueberlaufer: But I'm fine
[11.04.2020 11:34:50] UN|Stoppable: James: Smells like chocolate.
[11.04.2020 11:34:50] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Hmmm, an Empire. Sounds proud. People should cling onto that. Without the aristocracy we lose the pride of the nation
[11.04.2020 11:35:02] UN|Stoppable: *Bites into the bar*
[11.04.2020 11:35:14] UN|Stoppable: James: Tastes like it too! Thanks.
[11.04.2020 11:35:23] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: *chuckles* seems here in Rheinland people also enjoy chocolate
[11.04.2020 11:35:56] UN|Ueberlaufer: Just try not to think how much time it spent in nothingless
[11.04.2020 11:36:12] UN|Stoppable: James: Your ain't wrong! *Puts the chocolate down with a stain on his cheek*
[11.04.2020 11:36:13] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Any insights on how the things will develop?
[11.04.2020 11:36:28] UN|Stoppable: Yes.
[11.04.2020 11:36:36] UN|Stoppable: James: Let me be exact.
[11.04.2020 11:36:46] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: I am a corporate scout, so mostly interested in the markets. Rhainland was never hostile to Gallia, so we are concerned
[11.04.2020 11:36:49] UN|Stoppable: James: We will slaughter everyone and everything standing in our way.
[11.04.2020 11:36:56] UN|Stoppable: Was that clear enough?
[11.04.2020 11:37:09] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: *with slight concern* I'm not sure how gallia is treating us right now.
[11.04.2020 11:37:40] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: That crown prince guy... what was his name, sorry, I'm not well versed on Gallic politics and all that...
[11.04.2020 11:37:51] UN|Ueberlaufer: Especially with Cologne-Zurich gate being constructed right now
[11.04.2020 11:37:54] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Just called us Imperials an illegitimate goverment.
[11.04.2020 11:38:00] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Like, why? What have we done?
[11.04.2020 11:38:01] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Well, Gallia is now a Confederacy. A union of things that should never be united
[11.04.2020 11:38:08] UN|Ueberlaufer: That will make us close buddies
[11.04.2020 11:38:22] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Luckily, I left with Baron Montluc into Taus from the madness of the Confederals
[11.04.2020 11:38:40] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: They allow a criminal drug-run syndicate to run the state
[11.04.2020 11:38:52] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Yeah. You know Nox is legal in Rheinland?
[11.04.2020 11:38:57] UN|Varcolac: Well, in the Federal republic.
[11.04.2020 11:39:08] UN|Stoppable: For real? That's sinfable.
[11.04.2020 11:39:09] UN|Varcolac: The Empire's clamping down on it. The Corse made a killing flogging drugs to Rheinland's poor.
[11.04.2020 11:39:22] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: We Unioners have been fighting against them for years.
[11.04.2020 11:39:39] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Nox was legal here? Non bien, Monsieur
[11.04.2020 11:40:03] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Well, I am not against the legalisation myself, but when the state has a healthy attitude on the spread of drugs
[11.04.2020 11:40:13] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: But not when the state is literally run by mafia
[11.04.2020 11:40:35] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Their interests in spreading nox override the state interests. People are as always left at the sideway
[11.04.2020 11:40:54] UN|Stoppable: James: Excuse me imma go scout Berlin. Be right back.
[11.04.2020 11:41:03] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Godspeed
[11.04.2020 11:41:07] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: At least Gallia has some kind of a wealtfare state.
[11.04.2020 11:41:13] UN|Stoppable: James: Ye, ye.
[11.04.2020 11:41:26] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: In Rheinland? If you're poor and out of money? You die.
[11.04.2020 11:42:01] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Our Baron tried to install an aristocratic meritocracy in Languedoc, with most of the needs of the locals covered
[11.04.2020 11:42:37] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Small population under the auspices of a rich corp. Everything looked well
[11.04.2020 11:43:02] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Until the Confederals forced us to go into exodus
[11.04.2020 11:43:04] UN|Ueberlaufer: And to what it came to?
[11.04.2020 11:43:04] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Sounds like a society that could go pretty well for those living in your care.
[11.04.2020 11:43:34] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: We lived for 700 years under a firm rule of aristocracy, and we lived in prosperity
[11.04.2020 11:43:47] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Then some republicans decided we needed some ephemeral rights.
[11.04.2020 11:43:52] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Hah!
[11.04.2020 11:43:57] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: But you can't put those rights on your bread
[11.04.2020 11:44:08] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Yeah. Our aristocracy ruled for six hundred and forty one years.
[11.04.2020 11:44:19] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Well... and counting. *she grins*
[11.04.2020 11:44:24] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: So I stick with the ariistocracy. They are born to rule, they know how to do it. So just defer the rule to them
[11.04.2020 11:44:26] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: We're winning the war.
[11.04.2020 11:44:51] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Shame Rheinland ceased to be an Empire. Good luck to your cause now
[11.04.2020 11:45:08] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Sticking to the Emperor will lead you to prosperity, no doubts
[11.04.2020 11:45:33] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Hopefully, our aristocrats will find common grounds for cooperation.
[11.04.2020 11:45:41] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: *she salutes, fist-to-chest* Sure thing, boss. The Crown Prince - Kaiser Franz Hans Edvard Albrect-Freidmann...
[11.04.2020 11:45:46] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Sharing monarchial system with Bretonians did not prevent the conflicts
[11.04.2020 11:45:49] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: He's a smart guy. Used to be a university professor.
[11.04.2020 11:46:05] UN|Varcolac: An academic. Humble, not wealthy, but of aristocratic background and training.
[11.04.2020 11:46:11] {DHC}Konigsberg: Krom: Guten Tag
[11.04.2020 11:46:16] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Bonjour
[11.04.2020 11:46:18] UN|Varcolac: The direct descendent of Empress Leicht - possibly the greatest monarch Rheinland has ever had.
[11.04.2020 11:46:49] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: I hear that Joseph DeFrance isn't taing to the return of the Kaiser much, though.
[11.04.2020 11:46:56] Death: Eleonore.Traub was put out of action by [RHA]Peach (Gun).
[11.04.2020 11:47:12] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: He recently shot out a broadcast condemming us. Claimed that the Republic was more legitimate.
[11.04.2020 11:47:24] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Hard to understand why Joseph would share the same views as the LSF.
[11.04.2020 11:47:29] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: I assume that is due to the rumours of Bretonians playing a role in all of this
[11.04.2020 11:47:53] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Sure, they're involved. To the extent that Monarchies stick together.
[11.04.2020 11:48:10] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: I am not certain about what Bretonians are up to, if up to anything, but we do not like them and what they do in most cases
[11.04.2020 11:48:28] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Understandable! I mean... ya' did blow an eight of them into glass.
[11.04.2020 11:48:33] UN|Varcolac: *Eighth.
[11.04.2020 11:48:38] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Probably, because of this His Royal Highness Prince Joseph is exibiting cautiousness
[11.04.2020 11:49:02] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Mh-hm? You think he might warm to us if he got to speak with us privately?
[11.04.2020 11:49:13] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Oui, I personally was not involved but that is the burden of our Royal Fleet indeed
[11.04.2020 11:49:35] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: I think that Prince Joseph is reasonable enough to consider all options if you present them rationally
[11.04.2020 11:49:52] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: I'm just a Unioner. I'm not the person we need to convince.
[11.04.2020 11:50:04] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: I do not think that the Gallic aristocracy is interested in making Rheinland hostile
[11.04.2020 11:50:25] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Neither I have the ties to the Prince
[11.04.2020 11:50:35] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: I am but a humble corporate worker
[11.04.2020 11:50:46] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Yeah! And I'm just a Unioner.
[11.04.2020 11:51:09] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: tell you what, Montluc - we might be able to do a deal with y'all one-to-one. *pauses* If you send my Union bosses...
[11.04.2020 11:51:27] UN|Varcolac: evidence of how you treat your workforce. How their healthcare's providied for, evidence of a living wage...
[11.04.2020 11:51:31] UN|Varcolac: That Kinda' deal.
[11.04.2020 11:51:52] UN|Varcolac: Prove that you're one of the good employers, and we might set up some contracts.
[11.04.2020 11:52:20] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: As the Unioners start to return to the workforce, Rhienland is gonna' need export partners.
[11.04.2020 11:52:24] UN|Black.Arrow: *Beep beep*
[11.04.2020 11:52:33] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Liberty ain't excatly happy with us right now.
[11.04.2020 11:52:38] UN|Varcolac: *Exactly
[11.04.2020 11:52:39] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: i am not in position to decide, so I will relay this information to the top
[11.04.2020 11:52:56] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Liberty is never happy with anything
[11.04.2020 11:52:58] UN|Black.Arrow: James: Why would they be? We slaughtered them daily, during the Berlin war.
[11.04.2020 11:53:15] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: We're still at war now.
[11.04.2020 11:53:29] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Just this time, the enemy is Liberty's partners, the LSF, the Navy.
[11.04.2020 11:53:34] UN|Black.Arrow: James: I think they kindda gave up.
[11.04.2020 11:53:37] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Why do you think they eat so many donuts? They need to compensate for the lack of sugar making them stressful
[11.04.2020 11:54:00] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: And it all came to stereotypes
[11.04.2020 11:54:15] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Well, you can be certain that most Gauls do not want to cooperate with Liberty even if it is legal now
[11.04.2020 11:54:21] UN|Black.Arrow: James: They ain't the brightest.
[11.04.2020 11:54:21] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: So here we are on the same page
[11.04.2020 11:54:25] UN|Black.Arrow: That's why I left.
[11.04.2020 11:54:43] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Well, we're pretty tied to the... Case in point.
[11.04.2020 11:55:44] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: say what. Is there a party in Rheinland by chance interested in procuring Gallic ships or engineering production?
[11.04.2020 11:55:59] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: Oh well,my freunds are off to get some Breet blood
[11.04.2020 11:56:11] UN|Black.Arrow: James: Don't mind it.
[11.04.2020 11:57:54] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: Well, unsure about that
[11.04.2020 11:58:03] Death: Pepito was put out of action by UN|Varcolac (Gun).
[11.04.2020 11:58:21] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: We're having some problems establishing external markets as well
[11.04.2020 11:59:03] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: External markets are indeed a trouble.
[11.04.2020 11:59:11] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Difficult to penetrate nowadays
[11.04.2020 11:59:53] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: But when we'll back to Alster, most crafty shipbuilders in whole Rheinland,things gonna change for sure
[11.04.2020 12:00:03] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: I suppose, the Gallic ships would be a nuisance here because of the use of Promethene
[11.04.2020 12:00:46] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: Actually..
[11.04.2020 12:00:56] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Wish you luck with going back to Alster. Perhaps, we will be able conclude some distributor agreement then
[11.04.2020 12:01:22] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: We have a prototype of your fighter technology with steady MOX supply behind its back
[11.04.2020 12:01:45] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Yes. It's called the Minuit - Midnight in your language, right?
[11.04.2020 12:01:45] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: Can't say how we aquired this one though
[11.04.2020 12:02:01] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Yeah, that's a funny story. See, the GRI, back when the crown was still in power...
[11.04.2020 12:02:06] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Souds like some black market tech
[11.04.2020 12:02:11] UN|Varcolac: Sent an agent into the Unioners to try to infiltrate the Nox trade.
[11.04.2020 12:02:23] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: At least, that type of ship is not easily acquirable in Gallia
[11.04.2020 12:02:34] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Rumour was the crown signed off on it. The Unioners knew that he was with us... He knew we knew.
[11.04.2020 12:02:41] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: We didn't want to make the crown angry.
[11.04.2020 12:02:48] Death: Eleonore.Traub was put out of action by DSK|Schwarzer.Vogel (Gun).
[11.04.2020 12:03:27] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: We began to refit the GRI agent's lynx so it could operate deep in Sirius without any Prometheum.
[11.04.2020 12:03:30] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: The Crown can do such things
[11.04.2020 12:03:39] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: What I had to say with that is we're already had experience to adapt your techs to sirius ones
[11.04.2020 12:03:52] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: It's now covered with Unioner hull plates and has a Rheinlandic reactor - suprisingly? It still works.
[11.04.2020 12:04:16] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: We'd be willing to turn the ship back over to the crown if the crown was willing to make good. We lost contact with...
[11.04.2020 12:04:23] UN|Varcolac: the agent during the fall of the Crown.
[11.04.2020 12:04:55] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: And the fact of this ship existing openes some interesting opportunities
[11.04.2020 12:05:30] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Certainly it does. We also had experience of refitting Zoner ship to prometheum
[11.04.2020 12:05:45] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Compatibility is possible for sure
[11.04.2020 12:05:48] Komet: guten tag, pilots!
[11.04.2020 12:05:57] UN|Ueberlaufer: Greetings,Herr pilot
[11.04.2020 12:07:01] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: *whistles, incredulous* A Zoner ship to run on Prometheum?
[11.04.2020 12:07:05] UN|Varcolac: That's impressive work.
[11.04.2020 12:07:43] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: Not only compatibility,we could import your fighters such as many Lynx modifications and adapt them for the rest of Sirius
[11.04.2020 12:07:54] UN|Ueberlaufer: -market
[11.04.2020 12:08:04] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: They probably don't wanna' sell their tech off to Sirians.
[11.04.2020 12:08:08] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Lynxes are military-grade restricted technology, however
[11.04.2020 12:08:13] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: And both generate good piece of revenue from it
[11.04.2020 12:08:14] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Especially since there's enough of it lying around Bretonia already.
[11.04.2020 12:08:26] UN|Varcolac: Anzia: Hell, there's a Gallic jumpgate in Frankfurt.
[11.04.2020 12:08:32] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: We mostly deal with civilian ships designed for mining, transporting, and providing security
[11.04.2020 12:09:22] UN|Ueberlaufer: Well,I'm sure we could adapt these as well
[11.04.2020 12:10:26] UN|Ueberlaufer: And I still can't to get rid from ringing sounds of revenue in my head
[11.04.2020 12:10:48] UN|Ueberlaufer: Sadly,it's only up to bossess to decide
[11.04.2020 12:10:57] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: If you are interested - then I will relay this information to the corporate top.
[11.04.2020 12:11:12] UN|Ueberlaufer: Will be much appreciated
[11.04.2020 12:11:22] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: We are aware of Rheinland producing a lot of own ships of good quality, so I am not sure how successful the ships will be
[11.04.2020 12:11:27] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: on the market, i mean
[11.04.2020 12:11:47] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: but giving access to fine Gallic technology to the honest people of Rheinland is already worth the try
[11.04.2020 12:12:27] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: You don't get how exotic to casual Sirians are you,guys
[11.04.2020 12:13:24] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: If so, this can be a good info message for the marketing campaign
[11.04.2020 12:13:32] UN|Ueberlaufer: Val: Not to mention finely crafted vessels and its unique curves... And don't question my sanity,I don't have fellings to ships
[11.04.2020 12:14:27] UN|Ueberlaufer: Well then,I guess we both got business to do
[11.04.2020 12:14:42] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Then certainly if the bosses decide to agree, you will have access to this tech
[11.04.2020 12:14:44] UN|Ueberlaufer: To make this words and posibilities come true
[11.04.2020 12:14:54] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Oui, excuse moi fortaking your time
[11.04.2020 12:15:06] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Merci beaucoup por la assistance
[11.04.2020 12:15:17] UN|Ueberlaufer: Not a problem,it's been a pleasure,my gaul friend
[11.04.2020 12:15:20] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: I shall return planetside to finish some business prior to departure
[11.04.2020 12:15:29] UN|Ueberlaufer: Affirmed
[11.04.2020 12:15:30] MAE|Emile.Lavoisier: Au revoir
Take care, mes amies! I will shortly report from Rheinland again, hopefully!