The event isn't really that bad Binski, it's just the serious difference in number for both sides that makes it seem that way.
The Event in concept only has one major issue in my opinion, Harmony could blow the gate with their multitude of canonized battleships to avoid needing to evacuate and use the asteroids as cover to hide from the far larger forces of Liberty, and currently the only station really under threat is the Freeport considering it has direct trade lane access, the trade lane access to Marshal Station has collapsed and the asteroids would have re-taken their places making it hard for a battlegroup to move that well through it.
Other than that you have a standard evacuation event with an actual combat element, unlike the last one that was far more trade oriented (almost entirely so) while this one is far more combat oriented based on player behaviors.
How Liberty is behaving isn't against the rules, is it distasteful, yes. But it's the result of everyone wanting a piece of the action and not wanting to be left out, and when you have far more numbers compared to a smaller number of enemies, that's bound to happen. Though I still don't condone the camping dynamic, but it is what it is.