I'd like to thank Jammi for organizing this, my girlfriend wherever and whoever she's with now, and all my great competitors, especially Snak who actually made me want to be no.1, all the great seppies and legion who randomly joined forces in fleet fights.
And last but not least - SNS battlecruisers who died as very brave baits just so I can wipe the battlefield clean with my sneaky arbiter.
It started as a nice way to make money, became an obsession.
John Trade of Universal - N1 trade
Who a shady sub faction of the company sent to covertly haul with a foreign transport
GyanguSan N 15 in trade
Besto Smuggler Kusari on Raba who came for a challenge, Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita
KUDOS TO THE 5TH FLEET FOR ENDURING MY PAINFUL RP (and not reporting me for throwing in google translate japanese phrases here and there ) HFB-Infernal N 3 in seppie kills
The buttcloak master Arbiter
Angel N4 in seppie kills
An idealist judicator
Who got fuck all done and just died many times, he will be taken behind the barn and shot for this.
A bomber who emptied multiple full Nova clips without actually hitting anything ever.
Stupid flak.
I'll take the Blockade Runner please Jammi
Great event but please, wait a very long time for another mixed trade and PvP one. I need a life.