- inRP section - Character Name: Saitō "Bōshi" Juri
Short Biography: A former KSP pilot and the daughter of a Kempeitai inspector. She grew up certain in the knowledge of the Kusari state's rectitude, and became practised at the everyday mental gymnastics required to navigate a world with such a patriarchal bent both professionally and socially. However, the main turning point came when she witnessed the treatment of political prisoners while assigned as a Kempeitai facility guard. Worse, she allowed herself to listen to the prisoners' pleas. Juri saw that a different way was possible.
Not only did she provide patrol timings for guard flights, but she helped a group of escapees commandeer a supply transport by posing as a 'hostage'.
Reasons for joining inRP: After helping a group of GC members escape, she can no longer return home. She prefers not to kill her erstwhile colleagues if she can avoid it, but the consequences for her family would be severe if she were ever properly identified. She will fight on their behalf even as they think her dead.
In order to serve our cause, you must pass the Trial of Severing. Do you agree to pass the trial?: Yes
Do you agree to have your character addicted to cardamine?: Yes
- ooRP section - RP skill level (1 - 10): 9
pvp skill level (1 - 10): a solid 3
Availability: Variable, mostly weekday evenings
Time Zone: GMT/UTC
Discord ID: you have it