Fine, I give the Heck up! some one else wants to try this fine, I'm getting tired of Being put down, and people not reading everything.
I do not know why People think that a Base makes tons of money. It doesn't make anything unless you shut down Selling tell it is full then change the price to sell it. this doesn't work. because they will go elsewhere. there is no way a Base can make money. people don't get it that Bases cause more Interaction in the game Per Item than anything else. Simply put. you have a ton of time spent going all over getting supplies, and Spending Billions of Credits to get it up and God only knows how many more Millions to keep it going with Taxes and everything else added onto that. endless hours go into a base. more than anything else.
1. It adds Steps in the Mining Process.
2. Gives Pirates more chances to catch Miners and traders.
3. Gives Pirates Higher gain on there Piracy Demands cause the loads coming from Mining Areas will be worth more.
4. When Ore lives the base there is no Real Loss when they leave the system. Only time a Hauler gets hit hard is when he is almost in range to sell the Ore.
4.a now your leaving with the Finished Item that is worth more than the ore.
5. it is not a 1 to 1 Ration. you have to bring in a Catalyst to convert the Ore to refined End Product.
Oh Hell I give up. I'm Tired of bickering about this.
Most rather put it down that consider helping.